when the music is good
The brain created a part of itself which is the place from where we think, and that situation is characterized by believing “we” exist separate from the brain. we think […]
The brain created a part of itself which is the place from where we think, and that situation is characterized by believing “we” exist separate from the brain. we think […]
I was listening to a channel playing only the Kinks. I used to have both Preservation albums but they didn’t play any excerpts from those. It disappointed me. Still, every […]
In the Bflat piece I’m writing I stumbled into a way to execute a passage with greater velocity than I usually can. It is exciting like learning a magic trick. […]
Had some success w thing in Bb and put it on Insta right away to not forget how it goes. The other thing is if sometimes I can pull something […]
In the car my daughter wants to blare mindless pop stations. Especially the ones with torturous thirty minute long sections listening only to commercials. Then that horrible message from Justin […]
“I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet”“which one is it?”“it’s the one that says bad motherfucker”Someone asked me a fave piece of dialogue in a […]
Today is the last day of taking care of my friend’s old arthritic greyhound who lives to sniff every trace of urine on every bush or telephone pole. This carries […]
Seeing Seven Samurai at the Revue was awesome on a big screen and 200 people. I want that more. Music was also more interesting than I recall. Each time I […]
I want to include the Shirley Eikhard song Something To Talk About in the entrepreneurial course because she wrote it more than ten years before it became a hit for […]
In the book by Daniel Kahneman, he addresses many psychological studies. I see parallels between these and states of piano improvisation. One doozie by Richard Nisbett and Eugene Borgida on […]