I was asked to be interviewed for a documentary about Blue Rodeo. I said ok. Then just before I was supposed to show up they asked for a signature on a form indicating I waived any rights to sue if I was offended by the final result, like if I thought they slandered me etc. They list a long sequence of potential things one could be offended by and one is supposed to sign in advance that they agree they have no right to do anything if they believe the final cut in any way actionable. It is so overkill how people in this time feel entitled to remove rights shamelessly. Whether the Tim Horton’s worker or an interview for free. It is too weird to sign something like that. Probably they think I’m a primadonna, maybe…but I’m also a citizen of the other world where one doesn’t sign away rights to help a boss be a tyrant. Call me names if you must.
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