forest whitaker

Finally asked the student who, since the first class, reminded me of a dead ringer for a twenty year old Forest Whittaker. Has anyone ever said you look like a famous actor? He instantly replied – yes Forest Whitaker, whoever that is. Whoever that is? He probably never heard of Philip Seymour Hoffman either. So sad, like when I ask popsters if they ever heard Jackie Lomax’s Speak To Me or George Harrison’s Wonderwall or even the first four records of Liz Phair or ask my peers if they know Kanye’s first records. I sent him The Crying Game. I could have gone with Ghost Dog or The King of Scotland but The Crying Game is what I like most because, as Ted from UIC once said in the back the Rivoli – you slayed me. Actually Brenda Lee’s version is what slays me.

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