the blueprint
I tried doing something starting with a motif from Chopin. I forget the name of the piece but it’s in three and starts with a beautiful seductive gesture. That’s all […]
I tried doing something starting with a motif from Chopin. I forget the name of the piece but it’s in three and starts with a beautiful seductive gesture. That’s all […]
The comedy people are great improvisers. They have no instrument to hide behind. They have to use their sense of who they are right away or develop it right away. […]
tried to transfer Ship At Sea to piano which was previously only played on guitar. Started by doing the Joni Mitchell type of left hand, that method I never do […]
Once upon a time a musician was struggling with her ability to play the guitar. She got upset about it and quit. Once upon another time a musician was struggling […]
made oatmeal this morning, key to my technique is adding it to already boring water. got left hand to play passage more swiftly, key to technique was adding it to […]
the tile guy is here: changing the bathroom for good: the tunes that he plays
2 musicians were on an airplane and it’s engines suddenly malfunctioned. As the plane fell through the sky to become smithereens below it made the sound in the air from […]
This morning I worked in C# at developing something in 3 and realized I’m always looking at my right hand when I try to coordinate this piece so instead tried […]
Leaving for France and Israel Monday. Tonight, Anand Rajaram and I played our 4 th show of his brilliant “Cowboys and Indians” at the Summerworks Festival here in Toronto. Ã…fterward […]
dreamt i was somewhere and talking with a guy with blonde hair who tuned out to be the booker for the diamond and when I told him who I was, […]