Bits About Earbits

There is a marketing vehicle for musicians called Earbits. I started using it in December. Especially like the fact that  there aren’t a whack of advertisements polluting the pages where the work of interesting artists wait to be heard.

Sure am sick of advertisements everywhere, blocking street signs or trying to scan your retina enabling a talking poster to greet you a la Stephen Spielberg’s brilliant Minority Report (see picture of Peter Stormare). Isn’t it amazing a great film can exist despite Tom Cruise acting in it?

Also very  pleasing that the people who made Earbits regard Sonic Bids about as useful as this humble blogger does. In my inner scale of good and bad, Sonic bids occupies the space between “car just towed away” and “food poisoning”.

(from the interview with Earbits navigator J. Flores)

What are the benefits of using Earbits for an independent musician?
I think the big benefit is that, say on Facebook, you can put up a page, but there’s not much you can do to drive exposure to yourself on those pages other than putting in a lot of hours networking on Facebook and asking people to refer friends to you. It’s not that novel to give a band a nice profile page, but what we’re doing is creating a place where consumers will listen to hundreds of bands in a month, making that audience available to bands without them having to do a lot of work. My experience with Facebook has been that you’re paying 30 cents for a click and the person doesn’t even know what you sound like yet. On Earbits, you’re paying 2 cents for someone to listen to you and they have the ability to act on that by going to your Facebook Page and things like that. It’s taking that step out of the middle of making someone guess what you sound like. We’re creating an environment that’s so compelling for users that they’re going to want to spend their time there. And we’re making that available for sale.

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