jazz police

Almost finished marking the papers and then another 80 or so will be waiting for me to start all over. But I’m not in jail or being tortured or living with dialysis. Time to sing and whistle the ending music to Life of Brian. Watching videos on Bill Evans technique, very amazing. I follow some but not all. It demonstrates a lot of new ideas and I do not mind trying but other aspects I can’t follow. Jazz piano people take certain positions, then invert them and call them by the root position, like for instance C9. Then people like Evans omit playing the C and focus on the 3rd with the 9 or the 5th with the 9. Nothing wrong so far. However, then, if we have omitted the root, we are playing E and D (3rd and 9th) or G and D (5th and 9th). This is where they get me crazy because they’ll refer to it as C9 but if you only play E and D, now it is E dominant 7. How do they expect us to always topographically juggle intervals and magically recall them as if the missing root was present vs. calling it by what we are actually touching? Is that unreasonable to anyone else? How is one supposed to enjoy singing that Monty Python song when confronted with this?

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