major neighbour

Jennifer Gillmor’s benefit show at Revival was advertised as starting at 7pm but there were almost 6 bands. I was not worried about arriving late because 9:30 is not so late, at least it never was in my past performance experiences. Very surprised when I got there it was over. I didn’t read the promo’s finer print. Hope the whereabouts of pictures or videos will soon be shared. Was especially curious about the Matriphiles and if Bratty was gracing the stage with the Nancy Sinatras, wonder how life treated her all these years. Once upon a time in the mid 80s we jammed in my basement on Major street. Long before Bratty and Blue Rodeo. I think Tom St. Louis put us together, prior to the Angels of Montenegro, his band. He and Bratty knew each other earlier, maybe in Montreal. The thing about living a few decades, is so many past lives dissolve back into the ocean and you don’t necessarily remember all the details of each wave. That house shared a wall and the neighbour’s son used to practice saxophone, badly. I didn’t mind but wished someone would wake him up about being connected. He played those exercises as if they were assembly instructions instead of being a person finding pleasure intuitively, or so was my theory from what bled through the plaster. One time he told me he didn’t think he had the luck to be a musician. I don’t know Jennifor super well, but enough to grasp her confidence. Bass or percussion. Luck had nothing to do with playing great in those different bands she was in.

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