i can’t find anything

There was a lyric in one of Sam Larkin’s last songs that referenced an older man adjusting to aging and the memories he no longer holds reliably. At one point the guy addresses a drink that’s missing. Probably a beer or a cocktail but the lyric only said where is that drink I had? How can a drink go away? At the time I was baffled. Did he mean an orange juice? A glass of water? I pointed it out as weird or confounding. I was trying to be a diligent producer and help him realize his lyric didn’t make sense. I remember fondly how his face looked back at me like I just moved to Canada. He said something or other to make me realize he’s talking about a person who would ordinarily have a drink of alcohol. Aha. Now I get it. Sometimes he must have rolled his eyes at our differences but I think he also enjoyed us trying to reach the goal of making his music as beautiful as could be on record. Noah Zacharin played it the other night at the Tranzac. I was so pleased to hear his rendition that captured the right vibe of a guy who is losing it and it also contains my favourite rhyme Sam ever wrote. You can hear it on Spotify. It is the first song on the record called I Can’t Find Anything.

1 Comment

  1. looked back at me like I just moved to Canada

    – ha! love it


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