the fall, the get up

I fell a couple nights ago, while the cat I’m temporarily taking care of did her usual screams in the middle of the night, I went to inspect whether she had enough food and water and clean litter. But did this in the dark. I missed the last stair. I can’t recall the last time I fell, tripped actually, landed on the ground yelled at non existent spirits. A similar feeling when you lose a key or your wallet and curse the error that cost these new problems. Some bleeding, nothing bad as the ego. Note to self, turn the light on at night. Then a premonition about the time of life I entered. Technically, a senior, think again about auto-pilot. I took the G minor thing and moved it up and down into A minor and B minor though internally I am not thinking about those keys, in fact my hands are playing with the shapes only and trying to test my ear to understand physically what shapes I should land on. There isn’t the logic to it that would result if I saw the changes as key changes. Maybe that’s what I should do instead but for now I like the mystery. It is a sad sounding piece. Perhaps I try keeping that way, I don’t know. I do like my fantasy of creating an evening’s worth of these pieces with variable dynamics and then pretending I’m someone worth touring the country presenting them in spaces where people do not listen with football games overhead simultaneously while ordering pints. That could be a cool new Juno category.

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