Watching the propaganda around Trump and Kamala Harris sort of fascinating. I don’t have friends who share my view on the circus but that’s ok. Nobody I knew as a teenager liked John and Yoko’s wedding album either. In fact back then I also knew nobody who liked Sacred Music by Jarrett or the Hissing of Summer Lawns or Extra Texture. Not then and there anyway which is when it really mattered. It was awesome when I realized Todd in Chicago had the same love and knowledge of George as do I. You get a sense of who you believe, right or wrong it is just your sense. The piano is played by Dollar Brand, Freddie Mercury, Elton john, Carole King and Jim Cuddy. Maybe I think Dollar Brand in a different league than the others but maybe you think Carole King. It doesn’t matter, it’s just your gut sense based on the life you have lived. I find Kennedy more interesting than Trump and Kamala. My friends are offended. They think he’s nuts. But of course Trump and Kamala are not nuts. Nope, not at all.
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